I don’t know about you but I love breakfast. It’s the one meal that I will go out of my way to cook from scratch during the day, every day. Maybe it is the waking up and running with the pup that makes me energized and really hungry. It is also the only meal when you can basically eat desert and get away with it. I’ve been doing the veggie and meat omelets for a few weeks but had a hankering for some pancakes. That and I had three bananas that were dangerously close to becoming liquid bananas. We make them flour less. So that means with fruit in our household. I put fruit on top of them so why not just add them into the mix right? Normally the Hub takes over the pancake making but this time I took a crack at his Paleo Banana Pancakes today. Usually Paleo bread products are a bit on the dry side but these are very moist. There are a few tweaks you can do to really make them to your taste so I will start you off with the basic recipe.


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3 bananas

3 eggs (One egg for each banana)

1 tbs coconut flour

½ tsp pure vanilla extract

¼ cup almond butter


Mix all ingredients in a bowl. If you are fancy pants use a hand mixer. If you are lazy like me a potato masher works just fine.

I use an cast iron skillet with melted butter or you can use coconut oil. Turn your burner to med-low and make sure it has heated up when you pour your pancake. These suckers can burn fast on the outside without really cooking through so experiment with the first one to make sure it is not too hot.

Scoop ¼ cup of the batter for each pancake. Look for the pancake to bubble a little and puff up slightly. These pancakes will not expand as much as a flour based pancake.

When I’m ready to serve I add chopped walnuts on top of my stack them warm all natural maple syrup. You can add blueberries or your topping of choice. Add a couple pieces of bacon for more protein in your meal. And let’s face it, bacon makes everything better.

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Now I said you can tweak this recipe. Try using a little cinnamon and pumpkin spice in place of the vanilla extract. If you like a sweeter pancake try adding a tablespoon raw honey melted. You can even add the walnuts to the batter in which case I would toast them before hand. Waste not want not. This is perfect for those bananas no one wants to eat because they got to brown. I hear the kid voice in my head, “Eww I can’t eat that banana, it’s almost BLACK!” finished off with a pouty lip. To which my dad would say, “You’re gonna trip on that lip if it sticks out any further.” Ahhh memories. Now I see the smoochy-er the banana the better for you and your potato masher.

ADK Photography Copyright 2013 ADK Photography Copyright 2013Yes I ate this stack of six pancakes. And they were delicious! Get your pancake on today, breakfast for dinner anyone?